Communication Access in Public Access
Audioloops/Induction Loops and FM/Infrared Systems enhance the use of hearing aids in theaters, churches, classrooms, and at public meetings. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 mandates the inclusion of assistive devices/systems in a host of public settings.
Computer Assisted Notetaking (CAN) – which requires a laptop or personal computer that is connected to a multi-media projector, a TV screen, or on a computer monitor and summarizes meeting or lecture notes. It is not a word-for-word process; the typist needs to be able to process the information, summarize what is heard, type quickly and with few errors. The notetaker must be able to hear the speaker well enough to type the notes.
Computer Assisted Real Time Translation (CART) – this requires a trained stenographic court reporter to type verbatim what is said in the classroom, courtroom, or at a public meeting. The steno machine is connected to a laptop computer, which contains specialized software that converts steno information into written English.
C-Print – this requires a trained captioner to type directly onto a laptop computer everything that is being said in the classroom, courtroom, or at a public meeting. This process utilizes special software, which enables the captioner to condense the information using abbreviations and brief shortcuts. The software recognizes these shortcuts and ‘translates’ it into clear and concise sentences.