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Winter Wonderland Adventures to Try with Your Family

The cold weather is still here for a few more weeks. If you have children, you know how easy it can be to get winter fever while being cooped up indoors. Luckily, there’s still time to take advantage of the cold season!

If you’re ready for fun and flurries this winter season, check out some of these great winter wonderland adventures to try with your family.


Hit up the ice skating rink.

Ice skating is an inexpensive way for your family to go out and have fun in the cold. Find your closest rink and lace up for a great time with the kiddos!


Have an indoor beach party.

If the cold is just too much to handle, focus your thoughts on warmer days by enjoying an indoor beach party. Put on swimsuits, break out the beach towels and put on some beach movies to play pretend. You can even make some juicy drinks, or build sand castles for extra fun.


Camp out, indoors.

Camping is always a great time, especially if it’s from the comfort of your own home. Find your old tent and pitch it in the living room for a play experience for the kids. Break out the sleeping bags, eat s’mores or even build a fake fire. The goofier it is, the more fun your kids will have.


Take time for arts and crafts.

Arts and crafts is always a great time for children, especially if you can relate it to the current season. Look online for simple and enjoyable crafts your family can try to teach your kids about winter, while still having a goofy and wonderful experience.


Assemble a blanket fort.

Blanket forts are a small amount of work for a long amount of playtime. Challenge your kids to build the biggest, most elaborate fort they can think of, and watch as their imaginations take over, all while staying indoors.


Eat out for a winter treat.

Finally, when your family is ready to leave the house and try something new, enjoy a winter treat at your favorite local cafe or restaurant. Some places have specials just for the winter season, and are definitely worth trying with your kiddos.


The holidays may be coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to be! This winter season, beat the cold by embracing it, and go on some winter wonderland adventures with your family. No matter what you decide to do, your kids will make memories that will last a lifetime.

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